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Video Tutorials

Create A Meal

This tutorial shows the easiest way to create a meal in KidneyDiet using radio buttons and then editing the amounts of foods that comprise the meal.

Following a low phosphorus, low potassium, low protein diet can be difficult.

If you have CKD Stage 3, this short video will help you. It explains how to view nutrients per food, edit amount or serving size, and understand warnings regarding nutrients that may be in excess of what is recommended for you. It will help you follow a low phosphorus diet.

Sort by Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein, Sodium, Water.

This short video explains how to sort your Daily Diary list of foods by nutrient. If you have CKD Stage 3 and you are trying to understand which foods are good for kidney disease, or rather, those that won’t accelerate it, this feature will help you understand renal diet restrictions simply by sorting.

Guidelines For Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein, Sodium, Water.

This short video explains how to edit your personalized guidelines. If you are following a Stage 3 kidney disease diet, a low phosphorus diet, or just learning about renal diet restrictions, this tutorial will help you understand recommended nutrient limitations.